Why You Should Send Post-Interview Thank You Emails

Sending a thank you email after a job interview can set you apart from other applicants. Learn how to write the perfect thank you email now.

From my experience as an interviewee and interviewer for a job, I found a thank you follow-up email sent within 24 hours of the interview to be really effective.

When I sent an email as a job seeker, I wanted to show potential employers my motivation and desire to be successful.

Later, as the owner of a company, I looked for that same whatever-it-takes attitude in the people I call in for an interview.

When I receive a follow-up thank you email from a job candidate I just interviewed, it tells me they are for real and all-in for the hard work.

Those are the kind of people I want on my team.

The problem is, most people don't know how to get the follow-up thank you letter right. That’s why I created this article with tips and templates that will help you send the perfect follow-up email.

Why You Should Send a Thank You Email

According to CareerBuilder, only 57% of candidates follow up on job interviews with thank you emails.

But in a separate survey by Robert Half, 58% of hiring managers say that sending a thank you note helps a candidate.

The follow-up email can leave a positive and lasting impression that displays your willingness to work with the team and their culture.

The decision whether or not to send a thank you email should be easy: Definitely do it.

A follow-up email is a real-time writing sample

Writing and effective communication are majorly important skills in today's job market.

Taking the time to compose and edit a really well-written follow-up note gives you a perfect opportunity to demonstrate how great you are at written communications.

Include links and attachments. The follow-up email also lets you send along links like your LinkedIn profile page and your Twitter or Instagram account.

Add something you missed

Usually, after a high-pressure interview, the first thing you do is slap your forehead and ask, "Why didn't I say that?!?"

Last chance to add information. The follow-up thank you email gives you the chance to add anything you thought you missed.

If you feel the need to clarify any details from the interview, the follow-up email is the perfect place to do it.

Back your words up with proof. If you referred to any research or articles during your interview, you can link the recruiters to the sources so they can check them out for themselves.

Ask a question. If there was a question you forgot to ask or one came to mind after the interview was over, you can ask it in your follow-up email.

Back and forth communication is a positive sign they're interested in you.

Thank You Email Tips

Before we give you some templates you can work from, it's important you learn some basic rules and recommendations for writing the perfect thank you email as a follow-up to a job interview.

A successful job interview can mean the difference between being an unemployment statistic or becoming a millionaire.

The thank you email is an important part of the formula for a successful interview.

Send the email within 24 hours for maximum impact

The timing of the thank you letter in the follow-up after a job interview is key. Most interviewers will be expecting an email within the day.

Make sure it's an email, not a snail mail thank you card

Traditional thank you cards have their place in society, but in general, you want to send an email after a job interview.

An email is another chance for back and forth communication between you and your potential employer.

It is also quicker than snail mail, and in a competitive job market, time is crucial. Your interviewers could have made their decision by the time the card arrives in the mail.

Send personalized thank you emails to all the interviewers

When you get into the interview, it's perfectly reasonable to request the business cards or contact information of the people who are interviewing you.

Individualized versions. When it's time to write your thank you email, take the time to write a completely different one for each person on the interview team.

Mention something particular to them. If you can refer to something the individual interviewer said it will show them you were listening and respect their opinions.

Don't duplicate. When you're ready to write a thank you email to the next interviewer, start from scratch.

It would be embarrassing if they noticed you'd sent them identical messages.

Edit, edit, then edit again

The last thing you want to happen is for your thank you email to contain spelling or grammar errors.

Read it out loud. Once you've drafted it, read the words of the thank you email out loud using your natural voice.

Does it sound like you?

Does it sound like you want yourself to sound?

Go over the email several times with a fine-toothed comb (not literally!).

If something sounds awkward, it probably is to try some alternative phrases.

Double-check name spellings. When you spell someone's name wrong, it communicates you don't care enough about them to get it right.

Having their name spelled wrong will immediately create hostility within any interviewer.

Keep it tight. This is a brief note, not a novel.

Go over your email and see if there are any redundant or unnecessary sentences or words and delete them.

Less is more—be ruthless!

Get a second set of eyes. Ask a trusted friend or relative to proofread the email for you. It's easy for one person to miss an error, so getting a second opinion always helps.

What to say in a good post-interview thank you email

All thank you emails that follow-up a job interview should include nine elements.

  1. Open with the greeting. Start with a salutation and address the interviewer by their name.
  2. Express thanks. Tell them how much you appreciated the opportunity to talk to them.
  3. Restate your interest in the position. Mention how keen you are to get this job.
  4. Refer to business discussed in the interview. If you talked about plans or projects during the interview, say something about them.
  5. Sell yourself. Suggest how your skills and talents can help the employer meet their goals.
  6. Offer additional information. Tell the interviewer you're willing to give them whatever additional information they might need.
  7. Confirm your expectation to hear back from them. Mention how much you're looking forward to hearing back from them and the timeline.
  8. Close with a formal sign-off. Write your name in full, don't use initials.
  9. Drop in a friendly "PS". This is optional, but if you can refer to something you discussed during a less formal part of the interview you can finish on a positive note.

For example, you could refer to a restaurant the person recommended and tell them you look forward to trying it out.

Things That Have An Impact on First Impression During Job Interviews

Thank You Email Samples and Templates

Here are some sample thank you emails you can use for your own follow-ups after job interviews.

Cut-and-paste them and insert or replace the relevant details.

Subject Line: Subject Line: (Your First and Last Name) – Thank You

Dear (Interviewer First Name),

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to meet with me this morning. I really enjoyed learning about your organization and hearing your insights on the (business focus) industry. It was nice talking to someone who is as interested in (job focus) as I am.

The details you provided me with about the position as a (position title) at (company name) convinced me that my skills, experience, and passion would make me an asset to the team. Your idea of (plan or project) is a project I would love to work on.

I was thinking about what you said regarding (topic discussed during interview). In my last job as (position title and company), I found that (provide solution or insight). I hope that helps.

Please feel free to call or email me if you require any more information. I look forward to hearing back from you early next week as we had discussed.

Thank you once again, (Interviewer first name). Best,

(Your First and Last Name)

P.S. – I also wanted to say (reference to a less formal part of the conversation).

Here's another template following the same formula:

Subject Line: Subject Line: (Your First and Last Name) – Thank You

Dear (Interviewer First Name),

It was a real pleasure meeting you today to discuss my potential for taking on the (job title) position at (company name). I really appreciated you taking the time to interview me for this exciting opportunity.

I enjoyed our discussion and getting to ask you questions about the (position title). The more I spoke with you and the team, the more I was convinced that my (job) experience and my passion for (job focus) make me an ideal candidate for this position.

I look forward to hearing from you later this month regarding your decision. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch. My phone number is (555-555-5555).

Thanks again for your time and consideration.


(Your First and Last Name)

P.S. – I also wanted to say (reference to a less formal part of the conversation).

Here's a sample follow-up email for a phone interview. The goal of this note is to get a face-to-face interview.

Subject Line: Subject Line: (Your First and Last Name) – Thank You

Dear (Interviewer First Name),

I wanted to take the opportunity to express to you my thanks for taking the time today to interview me over the phone for the position of (job title).

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be considered for this job. I am keenly interested in this exciting prospect.

After our discussion about (project or plans), I believe that my extensive experience and competencies (mention specific skills or strengths) fit well with the position's requirements.

I would really appreciate the opportunity to have a face-to-face interview to further discuss in more detail my qualifications. I would be more than happy to provide you with any additional information you think would be helpful in making your decision.

I look forward to hearing from you next week.

Once again, thanks so much for your time and consideration.

(Your First and Last Name)

Here's one last sample. This one includes a linked reference to an online article you mentioned during the interview.

Subject Line: Subject Line: (Your First and Last Name) – Thank You

Dear (Interviewer First Name),

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for taking the time to interview me today.

After the interview, I felt assured that I would be a great fit for your company. I have a really strong interest in the (position title). I can definitely envision myself getting up every morning excited to take on the day's challenges. I believe my strengths and talents would be a great contribution to your team.

If you'd like to check out the study I was referring to when we were discussing (topic), you can see it here (insert hyperlink).

If you have any other questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you early next week.

Thanks again, and have a great weekend!


(Your First and Last Name)

Stand out from the crowd with a great thank you email

Even if you never get a response to your follow-up thank you email, you'll have made an impression.

Your passion, commitment, and willingness to go above and beyond will come through loud and clear.

Before you even go into your interview, you can have these templates ready to go.

Plug in the relevant details when the interview is over.

Look it over several times to make sure all the details, spelling, and grammar are correct.

Have a friend look it over for you so you can benefit from a second set of eyes.

Make sure you send it within 24 hours of the interview.

Human resources are all about relationships.

Hiring managers are just people, and they respond to a little extra attention and positive communication.

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Thank you emails have worked for me both as an applicant and as an interviewer.

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